Friday, February 15, 2008

Bern (the temple, the hosile and the hospital)

This is about all we saw of Bern during our trip a few weeks ago. On the way up Friday night, our car started shaking. We barely made it, and Anthony went to a temple session, leaving me to entertain 3 cranky kids in the temple hostel (think concrete military barracks with bunk beds and disposable hospital sheets). We soon realized that Brooke was not just cranky, but had an ear infection. The girls stayed up all night while the boys slept through most of the trauma (something in the Y chromosome?). In the morning we drove home with our shaking car and stopped at the hospital where we learned Brooke had a ruptured eardrum. Brooke was fine after 24 hours, and the car was only CHF 300 to fix (about as much as an oil change here). Apparently a cylinder fell out, or at least that's what the mechanic told us, but we think something was lost in translation. Hopefully we'll have better luck on our next trip to Bern.

1 comment:

Sarah S said...

poor Brooke!!! that sounds miserable, especially in the temple hostel of all places...