Saturday, September 27, 2008

Route de Vin (Take 2)

Since it rained on most of our Route de Vin trip a few weeks ago, we decided to head back for a day trip.

First stop: The Cité de l'Automobile, home of the Schlumpf Collection (one of the world's finest automobile collections).

Andrew with Luigi in the parking lot (not part of the collection, but very cool)

The pioneers

The classics

The sports cars

and the kids' favorite: the toy cars

Next stop: La Montagne des signes (Monkey Mountain)

Here our little monkeys fed some real monkeys popcorn (and animal crackers after one monkey wouldn't take no for an answer). Andrew was especially brave, chasing after monkeys with popcorn, Matthew was excited as long as the monkeys weren't too close, and Brooke just thought she was a monkey all day.

Final Stop: Eguisheim
Just as cute as last time


Sarah S said...

those monkeys are hilarious!! the car pics are pretty cool too.

Anonymous said...

What a fun place to take kids! I'd love the monkey mountain AND the car place too! That pumpkin that Brooke is leaning on is HUGE!
Your kids are so photogenic, and you take such beautiful pictures of flowers, etc. too. Thanks for sharing!

Melissa said...

Lauren was looking at this post with me and said, "Wow! Brooke and Andrew look so different! And, who is that other little boy?" It is time for you to move back to the States.

The Snow Family said...

Wow your kids are too cute! They always look like a boden catalog! All that blonde hair and cool style! A.dorable. Glad you are having fun!

Julianne said...

Oh my goodness!! I've just spent forever updating myself with your blog. WOW. What an unreal experience you guys are having over there!! How fun. Yes, we DO have Target, but we DON'T have the charm of those French streets. Anywhere. Enjoy!!

Katie and Greg said...

Impressive! Trip number one looked pretty fun, that who knew trip number two would be fun too? I just love it all! I need to print off your blog so that I know all these totally amazing places to visit when I live there!

likeschocolate said...

Ashley, I am making a request for a fall photo of your tree. I love trees. They always remind me the story in the BOM of holding to the rod.