Tuesday, July 1, 2008

To each his own

I love that all three of my kids have such distinct personalities and yet they all play very well together.

Princess Brooke
Brooke is a little mommy, always taking care of everyone and adopting a new lovey each day. She's fast and crazy, loves to laugh and sings a mean Gwen Stefani.

Mr. Messy
Andrew is all boy, loving all robots, pirates, soldiers, knights and superheros. He can destroy a clean house in a matter of seconds, loves to wrestle and be tickled and freely gives out hugs and kisses. His robot dance rivals the professionals.

Little Bear
Matthew is becoming more opinionated everyday. He knows what he wants and is not afraid to screech and let you know. He is a keen observer, always watching and learning from others in our family. He knows exactly what is a "no-no" but he will still do it and laugh right in your face. He is happy all the time, loves to snuggle and still crawls at warp speed.

1 comment:

Sarah S said...

Your little ones are so so cute! You are giving me hope that mine will hopefully play well together when they are at these ages. Those pictures and descriptions are so fun!