Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Matthew's first "friends" birthday party was a complete success:  kiddie pool, trampoline, sand pit, bubble machine, "pass the parcel," cupcakes and presents.  Anthony made fabulous BBQ for the parents and our friends Sam and Sam even brought their pet gerbils for added kiddie entertainment.  And we couldn't have asked for better sunny weather, the famous English rain held off until at least 2 hours after the party ended!

Our "Little Bear" isn't so little anymore.  And as if the natural growing up wasn't enough for a mom to cope with, he has officially told me not to call him Bear anymore, he is now "Big-kid Monkey."


Paige said...

Ashley--every once in a great while I click over to you blog from either Kendee's blog or from your sister in law's blog (scrapbooking enthusiast) and when I do I am truly amazed at all the wonderful things you are doing with your kids. They are getting so big (since the last time I saw them at Kellogg) and you have a beautiful family. I swear your pictures are so clean and clean and amazing too, what's your secret? What a fun time you guys are having!-Paige

likeschocolate said...

It seriously doesn't seem possible that he is three. Time is crazy in that way. Happy Birthday!

. said...

Happy Birthday to a cutie-pie! What a cool place to live and such neat things you're able to experience! It's been fun seeing what you guys are up to by reading your blog. Come check ours out too, if you'd like!