Monday, January 4, 2010

First Day of School!

Matthew now joins Andrew and Brooke 2 days a week at pre-school. He absolutely loves it! He runs in there with so much excitement, the teachers have to send him back out to give me a kiss good-bye.

Our daily walk to school.
Some of the best things they are learning at school? "Mom, did you know that here they don't say flashlight, they say torch?" "Mom, did you know that here they don't say clean-up, they say tidy-up." "Mom, did you know that here they don't say hair, they say heya?"


Alyson said...

LOL. All important things for moms to know.

jakenapril said...

so cute. i guess now you're in 'the know'! oh, the excitement of school and learning new things. what fun!
the nostalgia is now setting in...