Sunday, May 17, 2009


We've started a new summer night tradition (as long as we can keep finding out where they sell marshmellows here). The kids loved daddy's firemaking skills, mommy's campfire songs, and most of all the gooey goodies!


Jennifer Woodbury said...

How fun! I am jealous that you are already into summer mode there...spring hasn't even started reliably showing up here yet!

Anonymous said...

I am on bedrest and s'mores at a campfire have been something that I have been craving. I think we will be making a camping trip as soon as these babies are safe at home! Glad you get to have so much fun!

likeschocolate said...

Roasted Marshmellows are the best! I suppose Swiss marshmellows are not the same, but you should ask Jenna because I bet she knows where to get them if not her friend Tanya would. She had a post on them on her food blog. Also, you could make them. I am sure there is a recipe for them on Martha Stewarts blog though I suppose being this far in your pregnancy you don't have the energy to make them. I think you would also have to find corn syrup which by then you might as well buy them. Good Luck!

Jenna said...

Hey Ash - I found marshmallows at the coop in Sihlcity - 4.80 a bag - not bad!